Make a Difference as an Intern, Volunteer, Campus Rep, or Social Media Intern
Be part of this movement, and help it grow! Together, we will:
raise awareness of the problem.
promote our petition to bring pressure on colleges and universities to change their textbook policies, so as to lower the financial burden on students.
promote the Open Source textbook movement, which makes digital textbooks free and printed ones dirt cheap.
connect students with one another to buy and sell used books without a bookstore middleman pocketing most the money.
You Will Never Do This:
Here are Some of the Things You Can Do
State Representatives
Recruit and lead campus reps and social media activists at colleges/universities in your state. This is our most selective position, and we are looking for real superstars with a proven record of accomplishment.
Virtual Interns on College Campuses
Virtual interns on college campuses take a leadership position to help grow the movement at their own campus. They will invite student organizations to join, encourage students and faculty to sign the petition, secure coverage from the school newspaper and other media channels, promote grassroots advocacy and community building, launch guerilla marketing campaigns, help expand the movement to other colleges, and contribute their ideas to help make this happen. This is a great opportunity for anyone who wants a high-profile position on campus.
Club Founder
Make a difference, and enhance your leadership credentials as the founder of a Free The Textbooks club at your school. Apply now.
Social Media Interns (NYC or Virtual)
Use your expertise in social media to grow the movement at your campus and nationwide.
Interns and Volunteers (In our NYC Office or Virtual)
Use your skills in strategy, partnerships, communications, social media, graphics, research, community building, fundraising, PR, HR, marketing, event management, organizing, or activism.
Micro-Volunteers Online
If you only have an hour or so to contribute, this is the position for you to make a big impact. Send email invitations, post flyers, share web banners online.
College Campus Ambassadors
We seek high-achieving college students to promote Free The Textbooks on campus. Read about Campus Ambassadors.
High School Ambassadors
We seek high-achieving high school students to promote Free The Textbooks at their own school, to promote the movement at the colleges and universities they hope to attend, and to help with our national campaign. Read about School Ambassadors.
What You Will Get Out of the Experience
We want all our interns and volunteers to have a great experience. You will:
- Get the satisfaction of making a difference in the lives of millions of college students.
- Use your skills, experience, knowledge, creativity and talent.
- Assume as much responsibility as you can handle.
- Learn a tremendous amount.
- Work with great people from around the Unites States and around the world.
- Have a great time in a collaborative and supportive environment.
- Enhance your resume with a record of service and achievment.
A Great Work Environment
This is, quite frankly, a great place to work. We get fantastic interns from all over the country and all over the world, so the atmosphere is energetic, creative, and fun. We value brainstorming, initiative, sharing, and collaborating. Think of it is a laboratory, studio, seminar, or incubator.
We are also casual. We are interested in your brains, creativity and heart, rather than your wardrobe. Want to work in jeans, t-shirt and flip-flops? That’s fine with us.
Who, Where, When
We seek outstanding interns, volunteers, and campus reps. We are glad to hear from great high school, undergraduate, and graduate students, as well as professionals who want to make the greatest impact with their skills.
Work at our office or remotely. We are conveniently located at 7th Avenue and 33 Street, across from Penn Station in Manhattan. Four subway lines have express stops within one block. LIRR, PATH, and NJ Transit are also within one block.
Full-time or part-time, school-year or summer, day or evening, weekday or weekend. We have so much to do, and we are glad to have your help whenever you are available.
Apply Now
Are you ready for a great opportunity? What are you waiting for!
Use the form below to apply now. (Or use this form if you want to start a club).