Your Organization
- Be sure your organization signs up to join the movement.
- Invite your national headquarters, if you have one.
- Invite other student organizations, Student Affairs, Student Government, Greek Life, and others.
- Post Free The Textbook banners to your organization's social media pages, blog, website, etc.
- Print and post our flyers where they will be seen.
- Share your thoughts with us about ways we can get student organizations involved.
Your Members
- Urge all the members of your organization to sign the petition.
- Let them know they can save money with our free Used Book Exchange. They come out ahead when they deal student-to-student and avoid the bookstore middleman.
- Encourage members to get involved and help spread the word. Have them send invitations, too.
- Let them know we are looking for outstanding students to help as interns, volunteers, micro-volunteers, campus reps, and social media interns.