Student Organizations
Your student organizations can make college textbooks affordable again.
Find your college/university below and see the student organizations that have already joined the movement. We just launched, so there may not be (m)any, yet. So let’s do this:
- If you head a student organization, have it join now.
- Invite student organizations at your school or elsewhere.
- Be sure to join the movement, yourself.
- Please help spread the word.
Find participating student organizations at your college or university
Queens University of Charlotte
Quincy College
Quincy University
Quinebaug Valley Community College
Quinnipiac University
Quinsigamond Community College
Rabbi Jacob Joseph School
Rabbinical Academy Mesivta Rabbi Chaim Berlin
Rabbinical College Beth Shraga
Rabbinical College Bobover Yeshiva Bnei Zion
Rabbinical College of America
Rabbinical College of Ch'san Sofer New York
Rabbinical College of Long Island
Rabbinical College of Ohr Shimon Yisroel
Rabbinical College Ohr Yisroel
Rabbinical College Telshe
Rabbinical Seminary M'kor Chaim
Rabbinical Seminary of America
Radford M Locklin Technical Center
Radford University
Rainy River Community College
Ralph R Willis Career and Technical Center
Ramapo College of New Jersey
Randolph College
Randolph Community College
Randolph-Macon College
Ranger College
Ranken Technical College
Rappahannock Community College
Raritan Valley Community College
Reading Area Community College
Reading Hospital School of Health Sciences
Reconstructionist Rabbinical College
Red River Technology Center
Red Rocks Community College
Redlands Community College
Reed College
Reedley College
Reformed Presbyterian Theological Seminary
Regent University
Regional West Medical Center School of Radiologic Technology
Regis College
Regis University
Reid State Technical College
Reinhardt University
Relay Graduate School of Education
Remington College of Nursing Orlando
Remington College-Baton Rouge Campus
Remington College-Cleveland Campus
Remington College-Cleveland West Campus
Remington College-Colorado Springs Campus
Remington College-Columbia Campus
Remington College-Dallas Campus
Remington College-Fort Worth Campus
Remington College-Heathrow Campus
Remington College-Honolulu Campus
Remington College-Houston Campus
Remington College-Houston Southeast Campus
Remington College-Lafayette Campus
Remington College-Little Rock Campus
Remington College-Memphis Campus
Remington College-Mobile Campus
Remington College-Nashville Campus
Remington College-North Houston Campus
Remington College-Shreveport Campus
Remington College-Tampa Campus
Rend Lake College
Rensselaer BOCES-Practical Nursing Program
Rensselaer Hartford Graduate Center Inc
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Renton Technical College
Resurrection University
Rhode Island College
Rhode Island School of Design
Rhodes College
Rice University
Rich Mountain Community College
Richard Bland College of the College of William and Mary
Richland College
Richland Community College
Richmond Community College
Richmont Graduate University
Rider University
Ridge Career Center
Ridgewater College
Ringling College of Art and Design
Rio Grande Bible Institute
Rio Hondo College
Rio Salado College
Ripon College
River Parishes Community College
River Valley Community College
Riverland Community College
Riverside City College
Riverside College of Health Careers
Riverside County Office of Education
Rivier University
Roane State Community College
Roane-Jackson Technical Center
Roanoke College
Roanoke-Chowan Community College
Robert Morgan Educational Center
Robert Morris University
Robert Morris University Illinois
Roberts Wesleyan College
Robeson Community College
Rochester College
Rochester Community and Technical College
Rochester General Hospital Clinical Laboratory Technology Program
Rochester Institute of Technology
Rock Valley College
Rockefeller University
Rockford University
Rockhurst University
Rockingham Community College
Rockland Community College
Rockland County BOCES-Practical Nursing Program
Rocky Mountain College
Roger Williams University
Roger Williams University School of Law
Rogers State University
Rogue Community College
Rolf Institute of Structural Integration
Rolla Technical Institute/Center
Rollins College
Roosevelt University
Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science
Rose State College
Rosedale Bible College
Rosedale Technical Institute
Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology
Roseman University of Health Sciences
Rosemont College
Rowan College at Gloucester County
Rowan University
Rowan-Cabarrus Community College
Roxbury Community College
Rudolf Steiner College
Rush University
Rust College
Rutgers University-Camden
Rutgers University-New Brunswick
Rutgers University-Newark
Quincy College
Quincy University
Quinebaug Valley Community College
Quinnipiac University
Quinsigamond Community College
Rabbi Jacob Joseph School
Rabbinical Academy Mesivta Rabbi Chaim Berlin
Rabbinical College Beth Shraga
Rabbinical College Bobover Yeshiva Bnei Zion
Rabbinical College of America
Rabbinical College of Ch'san Sofer New York
Rabbinical College of Long Island
Rabbinical College of Ohr Shimon Yisroel
Rabbinical College Ohr Yisroel
Rabbinical College Telshe
Rabbinical Seminary M'kor Chaim
Rabbinical Seminary of America
Radford M Locklin Technical Center
Radford University
Rainy River Community College
Ralph R Willis Career and Technical Center
Ramapo College of New Jersey
Randolph College
Randolph Community College
Randolph-Macon College
Ranger College
Ranken Technical College
Rappahannock Community College
Raritan Valley Community College
Reading Area Community College
Reading Hospital School of Health Sciences
Reconstructionist Rabbinical College
Red River Technology Center
Red Rocks Community College
Redlands Community College
Reed College
Reedley College
Reformed Presbyterian Theological Seminary
Regent University
Regional West Medical Center School of Radiologic Technology
Regis College
Regis University
Reid State Technical College
Reinhardt University
Relay Graduate School of Education
Remington College of Nursing Orlando
Remington College-Baton Rouge Campus
Remington College-Cleveland Campus
Remington College-Cleveland West Campus
Remington College-Colorado Springs Campus
Remington College-Columbia Campus
Remington College-Dallas Campus
Remington College-Fort Worth Campus
Remington College-Heathrow Campus
Remington College-Honolulu Campus
Remington College-Houston Campus
Remington College-Houston Southeast Campus
Remington College-Lafayette Campus
Remington College-Little Rock Campus
Remington College-Memphis Campus
Remington College-Mobile Campus
Remington College-Nashville Campus
Remington College-North Houston Campus
Remington College-Shreveport Campus
Remington College-Tampa Campus
Rend Lake College
Rensselaer BOCES-Practical Nursing Program
Rensselaer Hartford Graduate Center Inc
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Renton Technical College
Resurrection University
Rhode Island College
Rhode Island School of Design
Rhodes College
Rice University
Rich Mountain Community College
Richard Bland College of the College of William and Mary
Richland College
Richland Community College
Richmond Community College
Richmont Graduate University
Rider University
Ridge Career Center
Ridgewater College
Ringling College of Art and Design
Rio Grande Bible Institute
Rio Hondo College
Rio Salado College
Ripon College
River Parishes Community College
River Valley Community College
Riverland Community College
Riverside City College
Riverside College of Health Careers
Riverside County Office of Education
Rivier University
Roane State Community College
Roane-Jackson Technical Center
Roanoke College
Roanoke-Chowan Community College
Robert Morgan Educational Center
Robert Morris University
Robert Morris University Illinois
Roberts Wesleyan College
Robeson Community College
Rochester College
Rochester Community and Technical College
Rochester General Hospital Clinical Laboratory Technology Program
Rochester Institute of Technology
Rock Valley College
Rockefeller University
Rockford University
Rockhurst University
Rockingham Community College
Rockland Community College
Rockland County BOCES-Practical Nursing Program
Rocky Mountain College
Roger Williams University
Roger Williams University School of Law
Rogers State University
Rogue Community College
Rolf Institute of Structural Integration
Rolla Technical Institute/Center
Rollins College
Roosevelt University
Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science
Rose State College
Rosedale Bible College
Rosedale Technical Institute
Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology
Roseman University of Health Sciences
Rosemont College
Rowan College at Gloucester County
Rowan University
Rowan-Cabarrus Community College
Roxbury Community College
Rudolf Steiner College
Rush University
Rust College
Rutgers University-Camden
Rutgers University-New Brunswick
Rutgers University-Newark