Thank you! We will respond as quickly as possible.
Since you are a gung-ho self-starter, there is no need to wait for us. There are lots of things you can do to start growing the movement.
Lend Your Voice
- Sign the petition.
- Like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter.
- Share Free The Textbooks on social media. Grab a banner below. Do it regularly so everyone sees it.
- Post a picture of your absurdly expensive books on Instagram, and tag it #FreeTheTextbooks
- Display our web banners on web sites, blogs, and social media.
Student Organizations
- Urge student organizations (Greek life; clubs; academic; student media; varsity, club, and intramural sports teams; residence halls; student government; etc.) to join the movement and get a page.
Spread the Word
- Lots of people care about students and would love to help your cause. These draft invitations make it quick and easy to invite everyone: students, organizations, HS teachers and guidance counselors, family.
- Get to class a few minutes early and write, “ - Join the Movement!” on the blackboard for classmates to see. Heck, write it on the board of every classroom in the building! Or team up with friends and hit the entire campus to really make a splash.
- Ask the school newspaper and radio station to report on the movement.
- Print and post our flyer around campus. Grab it below.
Other Colleges and Universities
- Tell your high school classmates at schools around the country to help spread the movement nationwide. Besides, they would love to hear from you.
- Your student organzations may have counterparts at other colleges. Get them involved, too.
Start a FreeTheTextbooks Club at Your School
- Here is how you can make a difference, while also showing your leadership skills, and enhancing your resume with a record of service and accomplishment. Start a FreeTheTextbooks club at your school. More info here.
Get Involved
Help yourself, your friends, classmates, and all students, while also enhancing your resume.
- Interns (school year or summer; NYC or on-campus)
- Social media interns
- Volunteers (Too busy? You can micro-volunteer in less than an hour).
- State Reps
Here is more information about these opportunities. Please share with others who may be interested.
You can also make a difference for any charitable cause you care about as a summer or school-year intern, volunteer, or Campus Rep with our parent nonprofit, . See why the NY Times called it "an of the nonprofit world."
Help Your Wardrobe Join the Movement
Get and wear the t-shirts. Encourage your student organizations to get them for all the members. Big orders get big discounts.
Your Laptop Can Join the Movement, Too
Get a sticker for your laptop. Yet another great use for technology!
Get a Button to Show Your Support
Every movement needs a button, and we have them.
Even Your Phone Can Join the Movement
Now your phone can be spreading the word, even when you don't have time to use it-- even when the battery is dead. Our card case holds your credit card, while also protecting it from the bookstore.
Anything Else?
Is there anything else you would like us to offer? Just let us know. Send a note to shop [AT] freethetextbooks [DOT] org